Another API description


Air handler types
Energy Asset - AirHandlerType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/air_handler_types/:id Retrieve the air_handler_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/air_handler_types Retrieve all air_handler_types.

Air handlers
Energy Asset - AirHandlers

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/air_handlers/:id Retrieve the air_handler with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/air_handlers Retrieve all air_handlers belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/air_handlers Create a new air_handler. This will associate the air_handler with the building and return a AirHandler object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/air_handlers/:id Update an existing air_handler. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/air_handlers/:id Delete the air_handler and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Block air handlers
Energy Asset - BlockAirHandler

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/block_air_handlers/:id Retrieve the block_air_handler with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/blocks/:block_id/block_air_handlers Retrieve all block_air_handlers belonging to the block.
POST /api/v1/blocks/:block_id/block_air_handlers Create a new block_air_handler. This will associate the block_air_handler with the block and return a BlockAirHandler object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/block_air_handlers/:id Update an existing block_air_handler. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/block_air_handlers/:id Delete the block_air_handler and disassociate it from the block. Nothing is returned.

Block fixtures
Energy Asset - BlockFixture

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/block_fixtures/:id Retrieve the block_fixture with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/blocks/:block_id/block_fixtures Retrieve all block_fixtures belonging to the block.
POST /api/v1/blocks/:block_id/block_fixtures Create a new block_fixture. This will associate the block_fixture with the block and return a BlockFixture object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/block_fixtures/:id Update an existing block_fixture. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/block_fixtures/:id Delete the block_fixture and disassociate it from the block. Nothing is returned.

Block water heaters
Energy Asset - BlockWaterHeater

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/block_water_heaters/:id Retrieve the block_water_heater with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/blocks/:block_id/block_water_heaters Retrieve all block_water_heaters belonging to the block.
POST /api/v1/blocks/:block_id/block_water_heaters Create a new block_water_heater. This will associate the block_water_heater with the block and return a BlockWaterHeater object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/block_water_heaters/:id Update an existing block_water_heater. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/block_water_heaters/:id Delete the block_water_heater and disassociate it from the block. Nothing is returned.

Block zone equipments
Energy Asset - BlockZoneEquipment

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/block_zone_equipments/:id Retrieve the block_zone_equipment with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/blocks/:block_id/block_zone_equipments Retrieve all block_zone_equipments belonging to the block.
POST /api/v1/blocks/:block_id/block_zone_equipments Create a new block_zone_equipment. This will associate the block_zone_equipment with the block and return a BlockZoneEquipment object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/block_zone_equipments/:id Update an existing block_zone_equipment. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/block_zone_equipments/:id Delete the block_zone_equipment and disassociate it from the block. Nothing is returned.

Energy Asset - Block

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/blocks/:id Retrieve the block with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/blocks Retrieve all blocks belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/blocks Create a new block. This will associate the block with the building and return a Block object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/blocks/:id Update an existing block. Nothing is returned. NOTE: A block's shape can NOT be modified once it has been created. If the wrong shape has been selected the block must be deleted and recreated.
DELETE /api/v1/blocks/:id Delete the block and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Boiler types
Energy Asset - BoilerType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/boiler_types/:id Retrieve the boiler_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/boiler_types Retrieve all boiler_types.

Building use types
Energy Asset - BuildingUseType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/building_use_types/:id Retrieve the building_use_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/building_use_types Retrieve all building_use_types belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/building_use_types Create a new building_use_type. This will associate the building_use_type with the building and return a BuildingUseType object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/building_use_types/:id Update an existing building_use_type. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/building_use_types/:id Delete the building_use_type and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Energy Asset - Buildings

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/buildings Retrieve all buildings belonging to the user.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:id Retrieve the building with the given ID, including all related data to the building.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:id/simple Retrieve the building with the given ID and return a simplified data structure the does not include all of the nested info.
POST /api/v1/buildings Create a new building. Response for a successful request is a complete Building object with the assigned unique ID of the new building.
PUT /api/v1/buildings/:id Update building account with given ID. Sets Status_Type back to \"Editing\". Nothing is returned.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:id/validate Determine if a single Building, specified by the ID parameter, is ready to be simulated. Response will include a Boolean 'valid' property and an array of validation errors (empty if the Building is valid). The types of errors can be broken down to whole building and specific block errors.<br/> Building-specific errors:<br/> &nbsp&nbsp building_without_blocks <br/> Block-specific errors :<br/> &nbsp&nbsp has_small_blocks <br/> &nbsp&nbsp blocks_without_use_types <br/> &nbsp&nbsp blocks_without_roofs <br/> &nbsp&nbsp blocks_without_floors <br/> &nbsp&nbsp blocks_without_walls <br/> &nbsp&nbsp blocks_without_wwr <br/> &nbsp&nbsp blocks_without_percent_footprint <br/> &nbsp&nbsp blocks_without_fixtures <br/> &nbsp&nbsp blocks_without_fixture_values <br/> &nbsp&nbsp blocks_with_fixture_values_too_high <br/> &nbsp&nbsp blocks_with_fixture_values_too_low <br/> &nbsp&nbsp blocks_without_primary_hvac <br/>
POST /api/v1/buildings/:id/simulate Submit a single Building for simulation and scoring, which will also validate the building. The simulation process can take anywhere from several minutes to a few hours depending on the server load, so the response from this request will be a simple 200 Success. When the simulation is finished, an email will be sent to the User who created the Building. At this time simulations cannot be canceled.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:id/score Retrieve the current score information for a single Building, specified by the ID parameter. Response is a Score object with the current and potential scores and EUIs.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:id/report Retrieve the current PDF report for a single Building, specified by the ID parameter.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:id/model_one_idf Retrieve the IDF used to simulate a single Building, current/proposed, specified by the ID parameter.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:id/model_one_osm Retrieve the OSM for a single Building, current/proposed, specified by the ID parameter.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:id/model_two_idf Retrieve the recommended/baseline model IDF used to simulate a single Building, specified by the ID parameter.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:id/model_two_osm Retrieve the recommended/baseline model OSM of a single Building, specified by the ID parameter.

Chiller pump control types
Energy Asset - ChillerPumpControlType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/chiller_pump_control_types/:id Retrieve the chiller_pump_control_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/chiller_pump_control_types Retrieve all chiller_pump_control_types.

Compressor types
Energy Asset - CompressorType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/compressor_types/:id Retrieve the compressor_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/compressor_types Retrieve all compressor_types.

Condenser pump control types
Energy Asset - CondenserPumpControlType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/condenser_pump_control_types/:id Retrieve the condenser_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/condenser_pump_control_types Retrieve all condenser_pump_control_types.

Condenser types
Energy Asset - CondenserType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/condenser_types/:id Retrieve the condenser_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/condenser_types Retrieve all condenser_types.

Cooling tower fan control types
Energy Asset - CoolingTowerFanControlType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/cooling_tower_fan_control_types/:id Retrieve the cooling_tower_fan_control_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/cooling_tower_fan_control_types Retrieve all cooling_tower_fan_control_types.

Distribution types
Energy Asset - DistributionType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/distribution_types/:id Retrieve the distribution_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/distribution_types Retrieve all distribution_types.

Fan controls
Energy Asset - FanControl

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/fan_controls/:id Retrieve the fan_control with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/fan_controls Retrieve all fan_controls.

Energy Asset - Fixtures

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/fixtures/:id Retrieve the fixture with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/fixtures Retrieve all fixtures belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/fixtures Create a new fixture. This will associate the fixture with the building and return a Fixture object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/fixtures/:id Update an existing fixture. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/fixtures/:id Delete the fixture and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Floor types
Energy Asset - FloorType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/floor_types/:id Retrieve the floor_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/floor_types Retrieve all floor_types.

Energy Asset - Floors

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/floors/:id Retrieve the floor with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/floors Retrieve all floors belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/floors Create a new floor. This will associate the floor with the building and return a Floor object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/floors/:id Update an existing floor. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/floors/:id Delete the floor and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Framing types
Energy Asset - FramingType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/framing_types/:id Retrieve the framing_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/framing_types Retrieve all framing_types.

Fuel types
Energy Asset - FuelType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/fuel_types/:id Retrieve the fuel_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/fuel_types Retrieve all fuel_types.

Gas fill types
Energy Asset - GasFillType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/gas_fill_types/:id Retrieve the gas_fill_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/gas_fill_types Retrieve all gas_fill_types.

Glass types
Energy Asset - GlassType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/glass_types/:id Retrieve the glass_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/glass_types Retrieve all glass_types.

Lamp types
Energy Asset - LampType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/lamp_types/:id Retrieve the lamp_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/lamp_types Retrieve all lamp_types.

Manage buildings
Energy Asset - ManageBuildings

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/manage_buildings/csv Download Simulation Results - A comma-separated value (.csv) file that includes the current and potential scores and energy use data for a building or group of buildings.

Mounting types
Energy Asset - MountingType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/mounting_types/:id Retrieve the mounting_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/mounting_types Retrieve all mounting_types.

Operating seasons
Energy Asset - OperatingSeasonType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/operating_seasons/:id Retrieve the operating_season with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/operating_seasons Retrieve all operating_season.

Energy Asset - Operations

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/operations/:id Retrieve the operation with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/operations Retrieve all operations belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/operations Create a new operation. This will associate the operation with the building and return a Operation object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/operations/:id Update an existing operation. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/operations/:id Delete the operation and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Plant types
Energy Asset - PlantType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/plant_types/:id Retrieve the plant_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/plant_types Retrieve all plant_types.

Energy Asset - Plants

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/plants/:id Retrieve the plant with the specific ID. <br/>NOTE: draft_type_id refers to resources from the boiler_types endpoint.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/plants Retrieve all plants belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/plants Create a new plant. This will associate the plant with the building and return a Plant object with unique ID assigned. <br/>NOTE: draft_type_id refers to resources from the boiler_types endpoint.
PUT /api/v1/plants/:id Update an existing plant. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/plants/:id Delete the plant and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Roof types
Energy Asset - RoofType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/roof_types/:id Retrieve the roof_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/roof_types Retrieve all roof_types.

Energy Asset - Roofs

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/roofs/:id Retrieve the roof with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/roofs Retrieve all roofs belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/roofs Create a new roof. This will associate the roof with the building and return a Roof object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/roofs/:id Update an existing roof. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/roofs/:id Delete the roof and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Shading types
Energy Asset - ShadingType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/shading_types/:id Retrieve the shading_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/shading_types Retrieve all shading_types.

Energy Asset - ShapeType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/shapes/:id Retrieve the shape with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/shapes Retrieve all shape.

Sink source types
Energy Asset - SinkSourceType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/sink_source_types/:id Retrieve the sink_source_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/sink_source_types Retrieve all sink_source_types.

Skylight layouts
Energy Asset - SkylightLayoutType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/skylight_layouts/:id Retrieve the skylight_layout with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/skylight_layouts Retrieve all skylight_layouts.

Skylight types
Energy Asset - SkylightType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/skylight_types/:id Retrieve the skylight_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/skylight_types Retrieve all skylight_types.

Energy Asset - Skylights

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/skylights/:id Retrieve the skylight with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/skylights Retrieve all skylights belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/skylights Create a new skylight. This will associate the skylight with the building and return a Skylight object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/skylights/:id Update an existing skylight. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/skylights/:id Delete the skylight and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Slab insulation types
Energy Asset - SlabInsulationType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/slab_insulation_types/:id Retrieve the slab_insulation_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/slab_insulation_types Retrieve all slab_insulation_types.

Status types
Energy Asset - StatusType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/status_types/:id Retrieve the status_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/status_types Retrieve all status_types.

Energy Asset - Surfaces

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/surfaces/:id Retrieve the surface with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/blocks/:block_id/surfaces Retrieve all surfaces belonging to the block.
POST /api/v1/blocks/:block_id/surfaces Create a new surface. This will associate the surface with the block and return a Surface object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/surfaces/:id Update an existing surface. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/surfaces/:id Delete the surface and disassociate it from the block. Nothing is returned.

Terminal units
Energy Asset - TerminalUnitType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/terminal_units/:id Retrieve the terminal_unit with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/terminal_units Retrieve all terminal_unit.

Use types
Energy Asset - UseType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/use_types/:id Retrieve the use_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/use_types Retrieve all use_types.

Energy Asset - Users

Resource Description
POST /api/v1/users/authenticate Authenticate user to get API token. Response for a successful request will be an object including a token to be used with future API requests.
GET /api/v1/users/:id Retrieve the user with the given ID. NOTE: Users are only allowed to view their own account.
POST /api/v1/users Create a new user account. Response for a successful request is a complete User object with the assigned unique ID of the new user.
PUT /api/v1/users/:id Update user account with given ID. Nothing is returned. NOTE: Users can only update their own account. Users NOT allowed to change role or organization.

Wall types
Energy Asset - WallType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/wall_types/:id Retrieve the wall_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/wall_types Retrieve all wall_types.

Energy Asset - Walls

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/walls/:id Retrieve the wall with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/walls Retrieve all walls belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/walls Create a new wall. This will associate the wall with the building and return a Wall object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/walls/:id Update an existing wall. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/walls/:id Delete the wall and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Water heaters
Energy Asset - WaterHeaters

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/water_heaters/:id Retrieve the water_heater with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/water_heaters Retrieve all water_heaters belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/water_heaters Create a new water_heater. This will associate the water_heater with the building and return a WaterHeater object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/water_heaters/:id Update an existing water_heater. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/water_heaters/:id Delete the water_heater and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Window layouts
Energy Asset - WindowLayout

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/window_layouts/:id Retrieve the window_layout with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/window_layouts Retrieve all window_layouts.

Energy Asset - Windows

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/windows/:id Retrieve the window with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/windows Retrieve all windows belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/windows Create a new window. This will associate the window with the building and return a Window object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/windows/:id Update an existing window. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/windows/:id Delete the window and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Zone equipment types
Energy Asset - ZoneEquipmentType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/zone_equipment_types/:id Retrieve the zone_equipment_type with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/zone_equipment_types Retrieve all zone_equipment_types.

Zone equipments
Energy Asset - ZoneEquipments

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/zone_equipments/:id", "Retrieve the zone_equipment with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/zone_equipments", "Retrieve all zone_equipments belonging to the building.
POST /api/v1/buildings/:building_id/zone_equipments Create a new zone_equipment. This will associate the zone_equipment with the building and return a ZoneEquipment object with unique ID assigned.
PUT /api/v1/zone_equipments/:id Update an existing zone_equipment. Nothing is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/zone_equipments/:id Delete the zone_equipment and disassociate it from the building. Nothing is returned.

Zone layouts
Energy Asset - ZoneLayoutType

Resource Description
GET /api/v1/zone_layouts/:id Retrieve the zone_layout with the specific ID.
GET /api/v1/zone_layouts", "Retrieve all zone_layout.